
Flu season!

Does a day go by lately where you don't have a conversation with someone about the flu? Lordy, I am watching the repeat of the Yankees game on TV and they just mentioned it on there. I teach 4 private classes at home on Thursday and they turned out to be very quiet. The parents of 4 kids let me know in advance that they wouldn't be coming. One boy has the new flu but not sure about the others. Then my last class which is with two sisters just didn't show up and I haven't heard anything from them. Very bizarre! I was kind of happy though as it meant my day finished early and I had time to throw dinner for hub before L got home from baachans.

So now I am having dilemmas about vaccinations and wondering if I should just go with H1n1 (is that right?) or have the seasonal one too. I had pretty much decided against having the seasonal one but after doing some reading am thinking maybe it would be better to have it. I didn't have it when I was pregnant with L or when he was a baby but then I ended up getting the flu when he was about 8 months old. It was harsh but bearable even without meds as I didn't want to take anything as I was breastfeeding. But if getting it will have an affect on the baby that's a different matter. So I will do some ringing around tomorrow and see if there are any places around that still have some vaccines available. I want L to get his regardless of what I decide on.

Aussie friend K was supposed to be coming over tomorrow with her two lovely girls, 2 year old E and almost 2 month old M. She has a son the same age as L but he goes to kindy so wasn't going to come. She mailed me earlier to say that he is sick though and will be off kindy and as she doesn't want to give us anything they will stay away. It has been a while since I've had a good gossip session with another foreign pal so it's a bit of a bummer but as I don't have a class until 3 L and I can have a nice relaxing morning. Hopefully L will sleep in a bit. I have actually trained him quite well and he is not an early riser. I'm sure it is a result of all the lie ins we had when he was a baby as he was not much of a night time sleeper.

So as I said earlier I am watching the baseball! I always loved watching sport on TV in Australia but after coming to Japan couldn't really get in to anything here. I then discovered major league baseball and became a quick fan. I follow the Yankees and am a big Matsui fan so was over the moon to hear that they won the World Series today and that Matsui was named MVP. Yay! I couldn't watch the game live this morning but it is being repeated now. I would have been quite tense if I watched it this morning but now I know the result it's all good.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and even better weekend. Stay warm and healthy!

4 件のコメント:

  1. I am still thinking about the influenza shots too- I like the idea that it then protects the baby from getting the flu as well but that said I haven`t really asked my clinic much about the normal flu shot (and they were still unsure about when they would get piggy flu shot meaning it might not be before I even give birth)- but now that I have a bad cold and chest infection I might not be able to get either anyway before bub comes because they don`t usually give them to you if you have had a cold or fever in the last couple of weeks or so.

    I had to go to dr`s this morning cos I felt like I was dying and was in so much pain from the coughing only to be told "yes, its a cold and now chest infection but you are pregnant so we can`t give you anything"- sure I am glad it is not phenomia (which had crossed my mind) and also glad that it wasn`t asthma like I first though but still all I can do is rest which is what I was already doing anyway. I feel like crap now and it is not even the flu and am not sure how I would cope if I had the flu and a newborn/baby so really hope I can get the shots or avoid the flu...

    Hope you can figure out what to do.

    I had plans today with foreign friends too and was looking forward to the English conversation and seeing their kids as they were coming here but had to cancel cos I am sick. So turning to blogs for English immersion. hehe! Oh and Grey`s Anatomy downloaded and ready to watch.

    Have a good weekend :-)

  2. I think the flu is on everyone's mind at the moment - especially now that it is starting to cool down. I have finally decided that I am going to get the swine flu vaccination once it becomes available. I have my next doctor's appointment on the 14th so will ask the doctor the nitty gritty stuff and hopefully find out when I can get it done.

    I haven't thought about the seasonal flu vaccination much to be honest. I have never had the flu in my life so I don't really know what to expect if I did get it. Maybe it is something I should talk to my doctor about as well!!

    The baseball has been on a bit in our household lately. I have to admit I am not a fan but my husband likes to watch it so I normlly sit down and watch it with him. Maybe it will grow on me :P I am definitely a soccer fan - if there is soccer on TV then I am sure to be watching it!!

  3. Lulu, you sound really sick! I hope you feel better soon! Did you go to your obstetrician or just a GP? I remember when I was pregnant with L, my obstetrician told me if I was every feeling really sick to come in as there would be some drugs he could give me. You should definitely try and get the flu shots if you can! Being sick with a child of any age is not fun.

    Sorry you couldn't meet up with your friends today! Are you watching the new season of Grey's? I am looking forward to it and the new Private Practice but will wait until it's on TV in Oz and my mum sends it to me. I don't have much luck watching stuff online.

    Nay, my doctor recommended I get both the flu vaccines done. I teach a lot of kids from little ones to high school age so I guess there is a pretty good chance of me catching something. Let me know how your next appointment goes! My next one is on the the 20th and I hope to get the swine vac then. Fingers crossed I don't catch it until then.

    Baseball definitely grows on you! I can't get into the Japanese competition though. I like soccer too but mainly only get excited by the international games. The last Aust vs Japan game was on when I was at home so we went to a pub to watch it. Lots of fun

    Oh yeah I almost forgot. I got the seasonal vac done today!

  4. You asked if I was watching the new season of Grey`s and Private Practice and yes I am- I download though and then just delete usually once I watch them.

    I use torrents to download- a site called tvtorrents.com (or sometimes mininova.org). You need to be invited to join (it wasn`t that way when I first joined) and then by downloading and uploading you get credits which allows you to download. Basically I could invite you and send you some credits and you could download grey`s and PP each week and if you left your torrent client (I use one called transmission but it is for mac`s- Azurues is usually good if you are a PC user but it does have a different name now I think) open and "seeded" what you downloaded then you could earn more credits. It sounds complicated but it really isn`t- I set Nay up using it when I was in Shizuoka a couple of weeks ago!

    I have never had much luck watching online through streaming either- I much prefer downloading.
