
The terrible almost 5s

My darling son Liam is proving to be a bit of monster lately. I don't know if it's the age or has something to do with the baby coming but it's a very trying time. Probably me being 9 months pregnant and constantly irritable doesn't help dealing with things either. Anyway, today has been especially bad. We went out for hanami with a couple of other international families and he was generally very badly behaved. He is always worse when Ryuji is around as he knows he can get away with more but today was just bad. He was whingey, defiant and plain rude. I gave him a big lecture in the car on the way home and he said how sorry he was but of course that's only until next time. Ryuji and him spend a lot of time at the inlaw's house on the weekend and I decided that he wouldn't be going there this afternoon after his bad behaviour. That of course resulted in another melt down and for the first time ever he has just put himself to sleep on the couch (with lots of tears of course) Ryuji didn't help matters by going out anyway but it's probably preferable that way as Liam is much calmer when he is not around.

So now we have some quiet but I don't know how I am going to stay sane the next week until my mum arrives. I know it will be easier when she does as she won't take any of his crap either and will help me deal with him. I have almost finished my private lessons so we have lots of free time this week and I would usual try to do some social stuff but I think it will be better to stay at home and avoid anymore stressful situations with Liam. He is generally quite well behaved when he is just with me and even though I hear at lot of NO lately I can usually bribe or threaten him into behaving. So yeah I guess I take advantage of the time before the baby comes and give him so quality mummy time. The weather is supposed to be nice so lots of walking might be on the menu too.

In other annoying news, we are hancho for a year from this month. As all of you living in Japan probably know this involves the fun filled task of organising the kairanban and all the other notices that the 15 or so houses in our group need to have delivered. It's a seriously stupid system and I think we are going to be worst hancho in history as I am not very keen about doing it as obviously I will be busy with other stuff. Ryuji is computer illiterate so I guess I will get roped into doing a few things but I have no idea what is going to happen when we are in Australia for almost 2 months over the summer. Anyway, he has a meeting about it all tonight and then next Sunday night another one. I guess they think none of us have lives and are willing to give up our Sunday nights. Crazy!

I am now on weekly appointments so off to the doctor tomorrow. Ryuji's mother is going to come over and look after Liam which is good. As I think I said before I have to have blood taken and he would freak out about that. We made a massive picnic lunch today and I pigged out so I'm sure my weight isn't going to be pretty but as there is only about 2 weeks until my due date I am really beyond caring.

Alright off to enjoy this unusual peace and quiet and read my book for a while.

3 件のコメント:

  1. SOrry to hear that Liam is acting up. You are probably right and that it has a lot to do with the impending arrival of baby K. There are a lot of books around about becoming a big brother/sister so maybe you could look into one of them and sit and read it with Liam so that he understand. Or you could make up your own story with pictures/photos and explain why he needs to be a good big brother/good boy for mummy.

    We don`t have the hancho system where I am because we live in an apartment I guess- also because I guess the area is a bit more populated than where you are. It sounds like a bit of a pain though especially since you have the new bub arriving so soon. Hope your husband can help out a lot with it.

  2. Hi Lulu! Sorry to be late replying to this! Thankfully Liam has been behaving much better this week. My mum arrives tomorrow and then it's his birthday on the 19th so he should enjoy all the extra attention.

    You are lucky not to have the hancho system! It's so annoying and definitely worse in the country I think. We actually might get out of doing it this year as our neighbours have offered to swap as I will have the new baby and also be away for the summer. I was just about to ring the council to complain about them always burning stuff and the smoke getting on my washing but I'm glad I didn't now :-)

  3. Awesome - boys still behave like monsters at nearly five :( Shou is 4 in a couple of months and some days I swear I'd push him back up if I could. The only light keeping me going is thinking that surely 4 is better than 3 - years that is. Not number of offspring. 3 plenty enough for that. Hope you are enjoying having your mum there. I hope Marina doesn't turn into a raving lesbian cause I really want to be able to do the mum and daughter birth thing - seeing as my mum didn't do it for any of mine. Humph. Jealous.

    Happy Birthday Liam for the 19th.
